The Elephant and the Dog: Ellen C Babbitt
An elephant :
- Plot:
- Main Events: There once was an elephant who was owned by the king. There was also a stray dog that lived near by that went to the elephant's stable to find food. He went to the stable everyday to eat the food that the elephant had left over. After a while the dog and the elephant became great friends and they did everything together. They ate together, slept together, and played together. One day a farmer approached the Elephant-Keeper and offered to by the dog. Because the Elephant Keeper did not care for the dog he sold him to the farmer. From that day forward the elephant would not participate in his daily activities like eating and bathing. When the King got word of this he sent someone to investigate and when it was determined that the elephant was lonely because of the dog the King requested that the farmer bring the dog back and he would buy him back. Then the elephant and the dog lived happily ever after as friends forever.
- Character chart:
- Elephant: friendly, lonely, happy
- Dog: smart, loyal, happy
- Elephant-Keeper: inconsiderate
- King: caring
- Moral of the Story: friends should not be separated, Being lonely can lead to bad things
- Overall thoughts: I thought that this story was a very cute story about friends who were not physically alike but meant the world to each other anyway.
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