The Stupid Monkeys: Ellen C Babbitt
Monkey: Wikimedia
- Plot:
- Main Events: There was a King who gave all of his people a day off as a holiday. However the gardener of the King could not take the day off because if he did not do his job even for one day, all the trees would die. The gardener came up with a plan to ask the garden monkeys for help. The monkeys accepted the gardeners duty of watering the trees while the gardener went out. Before the gardener left he told the monkeys to make sure they get enough water but not too much. So when it was time to water the trees the monkeys did not know how to tell how much water to give each tree, so they pulled the trees out of the ground to look at the roots to get a estimate of how much water each tree would need. When the gardener returned he noticed all the trees that the monkeys had killed by pulling them out of the ground.
- Character Chart:
- Gardener: jealous, tired, desperate
- Greatest weakness: Wanted a vacation with his friends
- Monkeys: unintelligent,
- Moral of the story: There are many, but one is to look into who you hire, and teach them how to do it well or they may end up messing everything up.
- Overall thoughts: I thought it was a cute story and that it explains the importance of taking responsibility for your own tasks rather than leaving it to someone unexperienced for your own gain.
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