Feedback: Pixabay
The two articles I read were "Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt" and "A Fixed Mindset Could Be Holding You Back". I chose these two articles because I struggle with self doubt and I also think that, most of the time, I have a fixed mindset. Growing up and attending a school with a fixed mindset approach made me dislike feedback and try to avoid it. Feedback meant I was doing something wrong, and while it is okay to do things wrong, I was taught that that meant failure instead of learning. Throughout the years I have tried to listen more to the feedback I get and I have found that as long as the feedback I am receiving is coming from a place of compassion, rather than anger, I thrive.
While reading "Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt" I was very surprised at how much I related to the article. I hope to try and follow these tips in order to become less doubtful, and to become more okay with not being perfect. My hope is that with the help of this course, I will be able to accept feedback more willingly and also be more willing to improve myself by trying new things.
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